Fr. David Buersmeyer's Website
'The Church serves as a leaven and as a kind of soul for human society as it is to be renewed in Christ and transformed into God's family.' [Gaudium et Spes #40]

Use the links at the top to view my upcoming calendar, as well as the archive of blogs, videos, articles, and pamphlets.
This website came into existence as I began to transition to "Senior Priest" status. No longer having the privilege of sharing my thoughts through the weekly bulletin and no longer being connected to ministry in one parish, this website is an attempt to continue to share my thoughts and let people know some of the upcoming places I will be celebrating Mass or giving a talk, in the hope that our paths may have a chance to cross.
Mostly, you will see new content via blog posts, much in the style of my former weekly bulletin articles, but usually no more often than twice a month. Occasionally I might post a video or write a longer article or pamphlet. My hope is that it will give food for thought and a bit of hope to thoughtful Catholics, who at times find the Catholic Church too insular, too absolutist, and too afraid to think outside a preconceived understanding. Use the contact form, if you have areas or topics you would find it worthwhile to address from a Catholic perspective.
As to why it is called "Church-World-Kingdom" I invite you to look at the first three blogs published, which I am entitling "Origin Story":
I grew up in Dearborn, Michigan, the middle of five siblings in a family that was very active in our local Catholic parish and with parents who were intent on providing a Catholic education to all their children.
After graduating from U of D High with a Jesuit-based education, I spent 4 years in Ann Arbor (B.A> in Mathematics, U. of M.), 4 years at St. John Provincial Seminary in Plymouth, Michigan (M. Divinity along with an M.A. in Religious Studies from the University of Detro, facit) and 2 years in Leuven, Belgium (S.T.L. in Dogmatic Theology from K.U. Leuven).
Archdiocese of Detroit
I have served 44+ years as a priest for the Archdiocese of Detroit, including assignments at St. William, Walled Lake; St. Christopher, Detroit; Bishop Borgess High School, Redford; administrator of Epiphany, Detroit; faculty of theology at SS. Cyril and Methodius Seminary, Orchard Lake; assisting at Our Lady of Refuge, Orchard Lake; and 3 pastorates (Christ the Good Shepherd, Lincoln Park, SS. John and Paul, Washington Twp., and St. Regis, Bloomfield Hills). During that time, I also taught as an adjunct to various Catholic universities in the area.
Currently I am a "Senior Priest," available to help where needed. (for example, from February through JUne, 2024 I was administrator of five Detroit parishes on the lower East side: Sacred Heart, St. Elizabeth, St. Augustine-St. Monica, St. Charles Borromeo, Nativity of Our Lord).
Other Activities
I was part of the initial group which established Strangers No Longer, a non-profit, immigrant advocacy, education, and support organization in MIchigan, and I continue to be involved as their Board chaplain. In 2024 I joined the State Council of Pax Christi MIchigan.