In the previous blog I shared some of the ways I wrote as a pastor about the theological mystery at the heart of Christmas. But probably my favorite way to express this mystery has been in a more poetic way. Thus, part two of my Christmas thoughts.
I. A Tribute to the Cappadocians
Humanity—yearning, striving, laboring, wondering—duality never escapable.
Divinity—Unbegotten Origin, ecstatic and emptied Word, responsive and profligate Spirit—tri-personally enfolding creation, life, humanity.
Holy and blessed Christmas.
Jesus is born.
To be is to become God.
II. Given and Received
Love ecstatic and excessive
Neither measured
nor partial
not necessary
nor as reward
or predictable pattern
never reducible
or an afterthought
The divine Word enfleshed
from eternity
wholly other...
as gift...
God’s embrace of humanity
III. The Ultimate Response
Life’s challenge, even taunt:
from where and for what were we born?
Divinity’s whispered, enfleshed response.
Our origin and end revealed.
Purposeful love not capriciousness.
Joyful trust not despair.
IV. The First Word
Those first ‘words’ of the newborn Word:
a cry for breath and life,
a cry of need and desire,
a cry of vulnerability and fear.
The cry of every human being.
A cry within the heart of God.
May all of our ‘words’ make that heart of God better known.
Blessed Christmas.
V. The Beginning Is in the Ending
The birth of that child many years ago
—what does it mean?
Poised on the brink of the ‘big bang,'
would we have foreseen a universe alive and able to know itself?
If we saw only the seed and never the mature plant,
would we understand?
The single-celled embryo holds promise.
But of what?
The wonder of the human person fully alive
turns promise into sacred trust.
We pretend to trace clear paths from beginnings to endings,
but in a world of probabilities,
chance, and uncertainties,
isn’t the beginning only fully known in its ending?
The beginning: God risked becoming nothing in creation.
The ending: so that all creation might become one with God
As we celebrate that day of birth,
may its ending unfold more deeply within us.
Merry Christmas.
VI. Hebrews 1:1-2